Google Page Speed Optimisation Company
The goal of having a fast-loading website is no longer optional but a requirement for any website. Poor page speed will lead to poor core web vital results. Google’s latest page speed update looks at real-world factors. These are collected via Chrome’s UX Report (CrUX) and used in Google’s overall page experience evaluation. A failing website will lead to lost search impressions and organic traffic. As a UK page speed optimisation company, we will fix your websites core web vital issues.
We Fix Website Page Speed Issues! UK Page Speed Optimisation for All Websites
Core web vitals is a page speed algorithm that Google uses to determine how well your website will perform in the search engines. Real user metrics are used to check and assess the speed of a website and any given page on a site. Bad page speeds generally lead to a poor user experience for website visitors. Google has decided to factor this into its overall evaluation of a sites page experience to determine search result positions.
As a UK page speed optimisation company, we ensure the best possible page speed scores for not only the home page but also internal pages. Improving page speed scores can give you the edge over your competitors. The result can lead your website to be displayed above them in the search results. It’s not the only factor that Google takes into account. But when your website needs that competitive edge, it can make all the difference.
Trust A UK Page SpeedOptimisation Company
Why should you trust us to fix your page speed issues? To put it simply, we practice what we preach! Would you trust a company to fix your speed issues if their site has page speed issues? We wouldn’t so why should you!
Our sites (including our own SEO agency site) have great core web vital scores. We consistently have scores above 95/100 for not only the home page (the heaviest page on a site) but also internal pages.
Our technical SEO experience and expertise will help to uncover all the speed issues that your website has. We then put in place fixes to ensure your website achieves a score of at least 90/100. We don’t try and trick or game the system. This can result in a loss of functionality or even FOUC (flash of unstyled content) issues.
A lot of ‘page speed optimisers’ and even agencies use this approach. We don’t. Rather we fix the underlying issues that are present. We consistently get scores above 90/100 for our clients.
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Our page speed optimisation service fixes core web vital issues without sacrificing & removing scripts that provide core website functionality. Scripts like HubSpot (CRM tool), live chat, tracking pixels (Facebook) and even Hotjar are important to site owners. Not only do they help in existing SEO campaigns but can be used to refine the user journey a visitor takes on your site.
Many speed optimisation companies remove scripts and CSS files to achieve good results. We don’t do that. We understand the importance of specific scripts and styling. These are used to provide a good experience and service to your end-users. Stripping out all the JS & CSS to increase page speed scores should be a last resort. We work within the existing framework of your site to keep as much (if not all) of the functionality. This allows us to achieve page speed scores of at least 90/100.
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Websites Our Page SpeedCompany Helps With
There are many types of frameworks and platforms websites are built upon. From the common WordPress platform, which is used by nearly 40% of websites to ecommerce platforms such as Magento. We help fix page speed & core web vital issues for all different types of sites. This includes WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento and even static HTML sites.
Only 56% of sites on the internet pass the core web vital test to date. That leaves over 40% of sites that currently have issues. This creates a huge opportunity for your website. As a dedicated page speed optimisation company, we will fix your core web vital issues so you can benefit from that huge gap.
Fix CMS Website Speed IssuesGet Started now →
Page Speed Optimisation Tools We Use
There are quite a few tools to measure page speed. GTmetix, Pingdom, WebPageTest and even Chrome dev tools are the most popular ones. These are great page speed tools to use during a development phase. Or even when you need to conduct live tests. But they lack one crucial element. Real-world user data. After all, that’s what Google is using to assess your site.
However much Google’s PSI (PageSpeed Insights) tool is hated it’s still the best tool to use when trying to see an actual websites page speed. So that’s the tool we use first. We do complement it with the other tools as well like the newer site audit tool. This gives us the full picture and helps to put fixes in place.
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Need to Talk?
If you want to succeed in fixing your overall page experience and any page speed issues, then get in touch today. We look forward to sharing our optimisation expertise and knowledge with you.
Common FAQs About Core Web Vitals & Our UK Page Speed Optimisation Company
How long does it take to fix page speed issues?
Each site is different and has different issues. What may take only a week on 1 website may take much longer on another. When you get in touch with us, we will initially run a few tests. After that, we can then provide an estimated time that’s required to fix any issues we find. It may require ongoing tests and fixes to get a final result.
My site is outside of the UK can you still fix page speed issues?
Sure! Although we are a UK page speed optimisation company, we can help to fix websites with speed issues regardless of location. It doesn’t matter if your website is located outside of the UK, we can still help.
What access do you need to fix page speed issues?
Ideally, we need access to your website admin section and hosting account. We understand the reluctance in providing such access but you can be assured that we take security very seriously. Only our team will access your site to implement any fixes and we never outsource this work. We can provide a report on what requires fixing but this won’t guarantee results as continuous testing needs to be done to ensure good results. It’s not an option that we recommend.
Does fixing page speed issues increase website rankings?
Google has stated that its algorithm doesn’t take into account speed yet. It will start in June 2021. We have however seen good results and an increase in search impressions when speed issues have been fixed for a site. This increase can be seen via search console data.
What scores can I expect by fixing Page Speed issues?
We aim for a minimum of 90/100 score. In practice, we can get scores above 95 for even the heaviest of websites. Our website is a prime example of achieving 99/100 and we use a lot of CSS and JavaScript i.e. live help, CRM tools and of course tracking scripts.
How long do speed fixes stay in place?
Once we have implemented the fixes, they should be permanent. Unless a significant change is made to your website like a platform update OR adding in new JS/CSS resources. The score we achieve for you should remain. At times we have also seen Google change its requirements as it has over the years so that may also impact the scores and results over time.
Why do you prefer the Google PSI tool?
We use all the available tools to get a broad picture of your website performance. However, we prefer to use Google PSI results as it’s the only one that uses real-world data. The other tools don’t take this into account which can often lead to skewed results. Check our blog post on pagespeed tools for more information on this.
Who applies the UK page speed optimisation company fixes?
Our UK team of experts will test and apply any fixes your site needs to increase its speed. We don’t outsource any of our work, period! This ensures no one but our team has access to any resources you give us login permission to.